Portfolio Management Service
Complex institutional portfolios may include discrete elements that require additional expertise and time. Bard Consulting works with the in-house staff of institutional investors to monitor and manage these investment programs.
Bard Consulting provides ongoing portfolio services for approximately $10 billion of equity commitments and has provided work-out, wind-down and manager bankruptcy monitoring services for approximately $5 billion of NAV.
Bard Consulting provides ongoing portfolio services for approximately $10 billion of equity commitments and has provided wind-down services and manager bankruptcy monitoring for approximately $5 billion of NAV.
Monitoring and reporting
Bard evaluates annual asset plans, monitors manager performance, and prepares management reports on the current status of investments and performance against objectives.
Manager selection
For portfolios designated for growth, Bard assists in identifying and underwriting appropriate managers, negotiating with managers, and reviewing legal documents.
Strategy definition
Bard works with investors to evaluate the potential of new and complimentary strategies, to develop and document strategic plans, and to oversee plan implementation.
Restructuring and wind-down
Bard assists clients in evaluating alternatives and then manages the work-out/wind-down according to our clients’ objectives.
Niche Expertise
Bard has significant experience with two specialty investment types: Land Development/Homebuilding and Debt Investments.