Fee Calculations, Performance Measurement, and Other Quantitative Issues
The fees incurred by investors represent a significant cost and therefore have a material impact on net returns. Fee structures can be complicated and even seemingly simple structures can often have hidden complexities.
Bard Consulting has performed hundreds of in-depth asset management and incentive fee reviews, ensuring clients understand the financial and legal frameworks that apply to the fees for their investments.
Fee analysis and structuring
Bard assesses the potential financial impact of various fee structures under different investment return outcomes, pinpointing any unintended fee consequences and verifying market rates.
Fee negotiations
Bard assists clients in fee negotiations and in evaluating and negotiating trade-offs to accomplish our clients’ objectives.
Legal documentation
Bard drafts and/or reviews fee documentation to ensure it can be clearly interpreted at the time of calculation and does not create any unanticipated consequences. When requested, we will provide examples to include with the legal documentation.
Fee calculation reviews
Bard reviews manager fee calculations for conformance to legal documents and calculation accuracy.
Bard Consulting has performed several hundred in-depth asset management and incentive fee reviews since 2012.